Integrated Solutions

Integrated solutions

Datashed as part of an Integrated Solution
The Datashed SMS Gateway can be incorporated as part of your in-house or corporate solution or service.  Where by SMS transactions for a part of your interaction with customers, suppliers, service providers or in-house staff.  You may integrate your application, database or web service with DATASHED using our SOAP or HTTPS XML Interface.

We can arrange your short codes for a single telco or all telco networks.

Some of our current integrated solutions are:

  • Alarm and event management in the utility sector
  • Account balance notification in the finance sector
  • Fertilizer silo level alerts in the rural sector
  • Service providing fishing information such as species daily limit, legal size requirements for Ministry of Fisheries
  • Customer quality feedback service used in the hospitality and DHB sectors

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DATASHED Technologies is a Christchurch based company delivering an SMS Gateway that enables you to stay in contact with customers or staff and even monitor electronic devices via the cellular network.
find out more >
03 366 3713